August 15, 2018

If you were building a house, would you give the job to just anyone who said they knew how to do it? Of course not. The same should be true if you want to get dental implants. Dental implants allow you to permanently replace a missing tooth or missing teeth. They’re the only way to not only retain your smile, but to maintain natural gum and bone health. Why do you need to be so careful about which periodontist in Anderson, OH, (or anywhere else) you choose? There are several key reasons:

  • Placing dental implants involves surgery. You’ll want to be sure that the person doing your surgery is completely confident in their skills working with an invasive procedure.
  • Each dental implant needs to be customized to ensure correct placement. Whether the periodontist is placing a single dental implant or a number of them for an implant-supported denture appliance, precision is the key to avoiding complications.
  • Accuracy is ramped up by having the right equipment and computer software. A periodontist who has not invested in high-tech tools and platforms might not have the information needed to make the wisest decisions.
  • The only way to get better at placing dental implants is to get training above and beyond the minimum recommendations. A periodontist who has extensive training and experience will have a clearer understanding of how to proceed in any situation.
  • Dental implants aren’t always immediately recommended. Some patients require bone grafting or other treatments before a dental implant can be safely placed. A periodontist with little training might have trouble gauging a patient’s dental implant immediate candidacy.

Ultimately, you want to feel good about the choice you make. Do your homework and ask questions. Feel free to start your search with a no-obligation dental implants consultation with a periodontist in Anderson, OH, at our practice.



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