April 25, 2018

Side View X-Ray Of Mouth With A Dental ImplantSpring is here and you are ready for a change! If that change involves restoring your smile’s aesthetics and functionality, dental implants in Middletown, RI may be the right option for you during this season of renewal.

The Many Benefits of Dental Implants

There are many reasons dental implants are a great way to eliminate gaps in your smile and enhance the way your teeth look. These include the following:

  • Improved appearance—One of the main benefits of dental implants is that they look just like natural teeth. You may not even be able to tell a difference!
  • Instant results—While preparing the titanium screws for the dental implants can take some time, after this process is over, you will be able to instantly enhance your smile.
  • Comfortable wear—With dental implants, you can eat, speak, and drink like normal.
  • Maintain jaw health – By replacing gaps in your smile with dental implants, you prevent your jaw bone from deteriorating and the rest of the teeth in your smile from shifting.

Most importantly, dental implants can restore your smile, so you feel confident every time you’re asked to be in a picture or simply as you go above your everyday life.

The Implant Process

If you opt for dental implants, the titanium implant is first placed directly in the jaw bone. Then, an abutment is attached to the implant and a crown is placed on top. In most cases, the crown is cemented or screwed onto the abutment.

How long this process takes to complete depends on many factors. In some cases, the process can be done in as little as five months, but in others, it can take up to a year.

Get Your Smile Ready for the Year

If you start the dental implant process now, your smile can be ready for pictures this upcoming holiday season. Call Dr. Geoffrey Jones, your dentist in Middletown, RI at (401) 367-4982 or make an appointment online. Contact Island Dental Health today to find out more!



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