January 28, 2016

Dental implants are valuable treatment solutions for patients affected by tooth loss. Millions of Americans are currently missing one or more teeth; this is one of the most common oral health concerns. People of all ages are affected by tooth loss, which can result from illness, injury, and other causes. Dental implants in Racine, WI offer patients a healthy smile, improved biting and chewing abilities, and much more. If Dr. Robert Becker or another periodontist has suggested that you might benefit from dental implants, you might want to know more about this option has to offer.

Health Teeth Support Oral Health

A missing tooth can have several profound effects on a patient’s oral health. For instance:

  • Advanced periodontal disease can cause tooth loss. Once a tooth is lost to this disease, additional teeth can be affected; loss may even accelerate.
  • The roots of healthy teeth preserve bone density. If a tooth is lost, jaw bone density declines and can affect other teeth as well as the fit of traditional tray-style dentures.
  • The space left by a lost tooth may be prone to infection, inflammation, and injury. Protecting the tissue will prevent these and other problems.

How Can Dental Implants Help?

Periodontists might recommend dental implants for several reasons. In addition to the cosmetic benefits that carefully crafted dental crowns can provide, these implants can significantly boost a patient’s overall oral health. Biting and chewing can be considerably more comfortable; as a result, uneven enamel wear can be corrected.

Because dental implants preserve bone density and support bone health, a periodontist might suggest this course of treatment if there is concern regarding a patient’s jaw bones.

Get the Answers You Need

Dental implants have many benefits but they are not right for every patient. An evaluation is necessary before treatment can begin. If you want to know more about dental implants and how they can benefit you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Becker. Contact us today at (262) 510-0414.



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