If your dental care provider has recommended that you consider dental implants in Chandler, AZ, then your first thoughts are likely to be focused on the cost of such treatment. Both the therapeutic and cosmetic dental industries in the U.S. are the finest in the world, and as such, come at a price. Thus the question about whether or not the dental implant cost is worth comes down to two simple issues: what factors influence the cost, and are the potential benefits ultimately worth it.
Factors to Consider
There really is no standard formula to help determine dental implant cost. A number of different aspects go into determining the exact expense of your own implant procedure. These include:
Implants vs. Other Treatments
Implant costs can range from $2800-$6200 per implant, depending upon your situation. However, the permanency of implants should also come into consideration. For example, an artificial dental bridge could potentially have a lower initial cost, yet due to its fragility, will almost certainly require replacing every few years. Implants, on the other hand, can last throughout your lifetime if properly cared for.
Consider the confidence that dental implants in Chandler, AZ can give you. Ultimately, that alone may be the most important factor in determining whether or not getting implants is worth it for you. We here at Walden Dentistry are here to answer any questions you may have. For more information on the cost of dental implants, call us at 480.376.7989 today.