December 29, 2015

Gum disease is a pervasive condition that can entail many significant health effects if left untreated. To this end, securing the right periodontist in Oak Brook, IL is extremely important to ensure you have a variety of treatment options at your disposal to achieve the best possible results. For instance, dental implants and the All-On-4 Dental Implant procedure are common remedies for the ravages of gum disease.

Whether you ultimately decide on All-On-4 or instead elect to undergo dental implants in Oak Brook, IL, having an understanding of what each procedure involves is crucial. The following information can help you make the right decision regarding your oral health, thereby ensuring your smile stays bright for the duration.

 What to Expect From Each Procedure

As with other types of dental treatments, the particulars of a given procedure can differ quite a bit. In order to make an informed decision, patients must have a firm understanding of the risks and benefits of all available options:

  • Dental Implants – Patients interested in dental implants in Oak Brook, IL should know that this procedure is considered a long-term solution to tooth loss. While traditional treatments have been effective in the past, dental implants best mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. Implants can also help preserve the underlying jawbone due to the titanium post, which is resistant to decay.
  • All-On-4 Dental Implants – While the principal is the same as dental implants, the All-On-4 procedure goes a step further by allowing patients to replace the entire arch of teeth with just four implants. Also known as implant supported dentures, this option is ideal for patients with low bone volume, which can make other treatments difficult to implement. All-On-4 also offers a level of stability that isn’t commonly associated with removable dentures.

When seeking an experienced periodontist in Oak Brook, IL, Dr. Amarik Singh of Periodontal Implant Associates provides patients with dependable treatments suited to a variety of dental ailments. New patients can call (630) 233-9278 today to learn more about these and many other great options.





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