If you are missing a tooth, whether it is from some sort of accident or congenitally missing, you have options. You do not have to just live with a gap in your smile, bone loss or food restrictions. Dr. James M. Fili, a periodontist in Dubuque, IA, can help you get your smile back through either dental implants or implant-supported dentures.
Dental Implants
A dental implant is actually a surgical piece that has been designed to look and feel like a real tooth. If you are missing only a few teeth, this may be your best option. The base of the implant is a screw-like device that has to be embedded into the jawbone. Once that component is properly anchored in the bone, the crown component of the dental implant is attached. Once the procedure is complete, you will find that:
Implant-Supported Dentures
An implant-supported denture is a dental appliance that is attached to and supported by implants. If you are missing many or even all of your teeth, this may be the route to go. It requires only two dental implants to provide extra stability to the dentures. This ensures that they do not move around a lot as standard dentures can. There will, however, still be slight movement. With implant supported dentures you can:
Talk with a Dental Team
No matter which procedure is right for you, you need to talk with a dental team that includes a periodontist in Dubuque, IA. Get your smile back by calling Dr. Fili at 563.293.2375 today to find out if you qualify for either procedure.