If you have missing teeth and want to restore your smile, you may find you have plenty of options. Choosing which one is right for your situation involves sitting down with a professional like Dr. Miner, exploring your options and discussing your goals and expectations. While traditional dentures are a valuable tool for tooth replacement, implant-supported dentures are also used to stabilize the jaw and replace teeth.
Traditional Dentures
Traditional dentures are basically a false set of teeth that you can remove and replace when you need to. Because they just sit on top of your gums, they have their limitations. Many patients deal with mouth sores, food issues and problems talking and eating. Dentures are used to replace your natural teeth but do not function like your original teeth. Dentures also do not stimulate the underlying bone, meaning the jawbone may disintegrate and collapse over time.
Implant Supported Dentures
With implant-supported dentures, titanium screws are placed in the jaw and the dentures are hooked on top. This keeps the dentures in place and allows your replacement teeth to function like your natural teeth would. There are many benefits to using implant-supported dentures.
While the implants or screws remain in your mouth the entire time, the dentures can be removed when needed. The titanium in the jaw bone stimulates the bone to stay stable in order to prevent issues of sinking or collapsing of the jaw. This preserves the natural shape of your face and ensures that your smile looks as natural as possible.
Are You a Good Candidate?
Patients with healthy amounts of bone in the jaw are great candidates for implant-supported dentures, but even those without may be viable after a bone graft. The best way to determine if you are a good candidate for dentures or implant-supported dentures is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Miner for a consultation.