People may neglect their dental health for a number of reasons. Perhaps it is apathy or embarrassment, but for many, it is simply a matter of inconvenience. Fitting a dentist appointment into your busy day can be a challenge. This is why Dr. Lindsay Eastman is the top periodontist in Lakewood Ranch, FL providing expedited dental solutions to busy patients. We understand that you cannot afford to wait and waste time, so we offer innovate dental treatments that eliminate downtime, waiting periods and other inconvenient aspects of dental implants. This option, called Teeth-in-a-Day, is the signature service of our office.
Teeth-in-a-day, Literally
Many patients assume the title is a figure of speech, but it’s quite literal. Patients who are in need of dental implants might typically have to receive the procedure over the span of several visits. We cut down that time period, though, and offer implants that can be installed in a single day. How is such an innovation possible? The implants require no downtime because they are fitted precisely to your teeth and jaw. This means they are safe for regular use immediately after your visit.
Who is a Good Candidate?
The obvious answer to this question is people who are busy, but there are a few other criteria as well. If you have had dentures in the past, an implant may provide a more permanent and reliable option. Patients who are interested in receiving expedited implants must have enough bone mass present in their jaw in order to accept the treatment. There are other risk factors unique to certain patients that may be discussed, too.
Trust a Professional
Dr. Eastman can help you explore dental treatment options, including Teeth-in-a-day implants. We value the dental health of our patients above all else. If you are interested in learning more, you can reach out to our office at (941) 585-0869.