Staying on top of your oral health is important. When it comes to typical dental issues such as regular cleanings and basic exams, a general dentist is capable of taking care of your needs. However, seeing a periodontist can be much more helpful for surgery needs and resolving gum, bone, and tissue related issues. Take a look at why you should choose a periodontist.
What Is a Periodontist?
All periodontists are dentists, but not all dentists are periodontists. Periodontists undergo extra education and training than general dentists. This specialized training focuses on how to treat the bones and tissues of the mouth. They are more prepared than general dentists to prevent, diagnose, and resolve problems caused by periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease.
Dental Implants
Periodontal disease is the leading cause for tooth loss. If you are looking for a way to replace your missing teeth, you should see a periodontist due to the specialized level of expertise. Periodontists have a vast understanding of how gums, teeth, and the jaw bone work together. Just as with any other serious medical condition, it is best to see a specialist on the topic.
Dental implants are a great option for treating missing teeth. Benefits include:
A general dentist might recommend a partial denture or fixed bridge to treat missing teeth, but these options can have some negative effects. They can result in jawbone atrophy, tooth sensitivity, and more risk for tooth loss. Not to mention they can be uncomfortable and cause eating to be difficult.
The Right Choice
If you have experienced tooth loss or have gum disease, set up a consultation with Dr. Jean-Claude Kharmouche. He has practiced periodontics for more than 14 years and is dedicated to creating beautiful smiles. Contact our office to get started.