January 26, 2016

When it comes to ways to improve your physical appearance, there are probably countless options to consider. While some of these improvements may not deliver on their promises, Dr. Richard Assing, a prosthodontist in Brandon, FL, has some solutions that can benefit patients in all kinds of ways. Dental implants and All-on-4 are tooth replacement options that have many advantages. In fact, you can restore your smile’s natural beauty while also supporting your overall oral health. Each of these courses of treatment have distinct benefits but they also have some important differences.

Which Option is Right for Me?

Dental implants are permanent tooth loss solutions. They consist of a post, an abutment, and a crown. The crown is the visible portion; every crown is meticulously crafted for a perfect fit and is carefully colored to match neighboring teeth. The post is surgically set into the jaw bone in the socket where the replacement tooth will sit. The abutment connects the crown to the post.

Patients who experience dental anxiety can opt for sedation dentistry in addition to the anesthetic medications utilized during this procedure. The entire experience can be free from anxiety and stress.

All-on-4 utilizes dental implant technology in a very similar ways though has some important key differences. For instance:

  • Standard dental implants are intended to replace individual missing teeth; the All-on-4 system supports an entire row of denture-mounted crowns on just four implant posts.
  • All-on-4 has pronounced cosmetic effects; a single dental implant simply replaces an individual missing tooth.
  • The four posts connected to implant-supported dentures provide broad bone density benefits. A single post may not provide the same comprehensive advantages to oral bone health.

Discover the Benefits for Yourself

Call (813) 603-5005 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Assing. We can tell if you dental implants or All-on-4 are good treatment solutions for you.



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