November 21, 2018

If you’ve recently lost teeth and you’re worried about being able to eat all your favorite foods over the holidays, you will want to learn more about dental implants. Your periodontist can give you more details about whether they will work for your particular case, but dental implants are permanent and strong, and they can be used for any number of missing teeth.

Upgrading From Bridge Work or Dentures 

If you’ve tried bridge work or dentures, you might be wondering what changing over to implants can get you. There are some clear advantages from implants, though, like:

  • Easy replacement of damaged components in the event of an accident
  • Strong, resilient titanium construction means no limits on your diet
  • Fast recovery time means you’ll be back to enjoying your favorite foods fast

Implants as a First Choice

If you have never had replacements for your teeth before, implants provide you with a great first option because they give you the chance to get a permanent tooth replacement modeled to preserve your original smile. Titanium anchors that affix to your jawbone simulate the feedback natural teeth provide too, so you can count on the implants to help you retain gum tissue. On top of that, the quick replacement of your missing teeth can help ensure there will be no misalignment of your remaining teeth.

Fast Recovery Times

Not only do implants look great and provide you with a wider range of function, the recovery from the implant procedure is very fast, with many patients bouncing back in just a few days, allowing them to quickly get back to your favorite foods. To find out whether you are a candidate for implants, contact our office today to schedule an appointment. Our staff will set you up with a consultation, and Dr. Van Scoyoc will be able to review your history and make recommendations, so you can learn more about the next steps.



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