Dental implants are a great alternative to traditional dentures and other forms of bridgework and they have helped many patients achieve their personal care goals. Implants are strong, permanent, durable, and require only minimal follow-up care. As innovative as the dental implant system is, it is not ideal for every patient. Some patients cannot safely receive dental implants until their jaw bone has been appropriately strengthened; this is accomplished with the help of a bone graft. Dr. Karmouche has worked closely with many patients to find the ideal course of treatment to correct the problem of missing teeth. Our entire team is here to help you successfully restore your oral health with the help of implants and other treatment solutions.
Why might I Need a Bone Graft?
When a tooth is in place, its root receives blood from tiny vessels that travel through the jaw bone. This blood supply keeps the bone healthy and strong. If a tooth is lost, the blood supply dries up and no longer travels to the unused tooth socket. As a result, the boney tissue becomes thin and frail; this is why the mouth of some people with missing teeth has a sunken appearance. Traditional dentures do not stimulate the jaw bone and so deterioration can continue at a gradual rate. A dental implant features a small titanium post which functions as a sort of artificial root, keeping the bone stimulated and thus much more robust.
Because a certain amount of bone is required to support the post of a dental implant, a graft may be used to augment the jaw before the implant is placed. Three different kinds of bone graft may be used:
In the case of autogenous grafts, bone from the patient’s own body is used to augment the jaw. This has the lowest risk of rejection because the body’s immune system fully recognizes the new tissue.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Dr. Kharmouche can tell you more about the grafting process and how it can benefit you. Contact our office in today to schedule an appointment.