February 19, 2016

Missing teeth can cause difficult with speech, biting, and chewing; many people with missing teeth are self-conscious about the appearance of their smile and may worry about making a poor first impression on others. Dental implants are a valuable treatment option available from Dr. Nadar Bazzi, Dr. Rima Bazzi, and Dr. Julie Atoui. Some patients worry about the cost of dental implants in Detroit, MI. What affects the final cost of this treatment option and how can you be sure that you are getting a good value for your money?


Factors Affecting Cost

The cost of dental implants depends primarily on the number of teeth that your dentist will replace. Initial implant placement is a surgical procedure where small titanium posts are set into the patient’s jaw. The connection of the permanent crowns to these posts does not involve surgery but may require a follow-up appointment for placement. The cost of consultation and follow-up appointments should be considered.


Restoration Versus Repair

Even though dental implants carry a certain up-front cost, they are a permanent solution. With proper care patients can enjoy a lifetime of worry-free dental care. This is because tooth restoration is likely to be more cost effective than many years of ongoing treatment for concerns related to tooth loss. For instance:

  • Tooth replacement helps normalize chewing and biting, which corrects the uneven wear on tooth enamel that can lead to chipping, cracking, and cavities.
  • Dental implants help preserve jaw bone. Deteriorating jaw bones can disrupt teeth near the gap, leading to further complications.
  • Implants may help reduce oral pain related to tooth loss by protecting sensitive gum tissue from injury and infection.


Get the Answers You Need

The cost of trying to maintain good oral health after one or more teeth have been lost can be quite high. Speaking with Dr. Bazzi can clarify information regarding dental implant cost. Make an appointment today by calling (734) 447-3624.



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