Teeth-in-a-Day is the process of receiving several dental implant procedures in the same day instead of spreading the appointments out over a few weeks. This method has been increasing in popularity recently largely due to the extra benefits it offers.
Improved Confidence
Same-day smile restoration often leads to improved confidence. For many people, missing teeth are an embarrassment that leads them to smile less or even try to hide their mouth completely via methods such as speaking from behind their hands. In some cases, those affected do not even realize they are doing it. Completing the entire process for dental implants in one visit leads to happier people who allow their smiles to shine brighter within a matter of days.
Full Oral Function
People who spread their implant appointments over several visits do not receive full oral function as quickly as those who opt for same-day treatment. Those who complete the process in a single day are able to speak more clearly and chew more effectively on a much faster timeline.
Other Health and Appearance Benefits
According to Dr. Jonathan Szymanowski, D.M.D., M.M.S.c., a periodontist in Sacramento, CA, Teeth-in-a-Day offers several other health benefits.
The Time Benefits
The fast treatment time and speedy recovery process is sometimes one of the most appealing benefits for patients. Not only is it preferable to look better and feel healthier in a shorter time span, but it is also a more convenient method for people who are busy with other obligations and cannot always take the time to attend multiple appointments within a few weeks.
Teeth-in-a-Day dental implants are safe and effective, but might not be for everyone. If you would like to find out if you qualify, please contact our periodontist in Sacramento, CA at 866-899-2409.