Over the past several years, dental implants in Milford, MI, have become increasingly popular, and for good reason. Their life-like appearance can completely change the look of your smile, as well as the overall health of your mouth. Here at Highland Advanced Dental Care, we understand that the thought of undergoing a surgical procedure can seem frightening, but we also know that once you understand the process our dentist follows you’ll be more comfortable and ready to go forward.
We Plan Each Procedure Precisely
While implant surgery is a rather minor procedure, we take each situation seriously and make detailed plans for exactly what our dentist will do. We use x-rays and other imaging options to map out specific locations for the placement of each titanium post. During the procedure, we know right where each incision should be made and where each implant will go.
We Use Local Anesthesia
When you get dental implants in Milford, MI, you don’t have to worry about feeling anything. In fact, implant surgery is often easier than extracting a tooth. We use a local anesthetic to numb each implant site, allowing you to stay conscious. However, if you feel more comfortable using a sedative, we can do that as well.
You’ll Experience Very Little Discomfort Afterward
Thanks to constant advances in dental technology, dental implantation surgery causes very little tissue disruption. Generally, all sutures are self-absorbing, and Dr. LoCascio’s well-trained hands leave patients without much stiffness or soreness. Often, all patients require following the procedure are over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen or aspirin, to deal with the mild discomfort they may experience. Some cases may require the use of stronger pain relievers, but not typically.
Don’t put off dental implants any longer. If you’re ready to enjoy a more beautiful smile free from missing teeth or gaps, be sure to call Dr. LoCascio at 248-329-1627 to schedule a consultation.