As you age, you’re more likely to lose multiple teeth for a variety of reasons. In fact, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons states that nearly 70% of adults in the United States between the ages of 35 and 44 have lost at least one tooth as a result of dental fractures, tooth decay, gum disease or an accident. If you’ve lost multiple teeth and are looking for a full-arch replacement solution, you may want to consider full arch dental implants. Here are three compelling reasons to choose dental implants over traditional dentures.
You’re never too old to care about the way your smile looks. While dentures have undergone some impressive aesthetic improvements over the past few years, dental implants are still a more natural-looking alternative. Since full arch dental implants are secured tightly in place with several implant posts, they don’t move around in the mouth like dentures are known to do. You also don’t need to worry about full arch implants falling out in your soup.
If your dentist in Sarasota, FL, determines that you’re a good candidate for full arch implants, you’ll have the benefit of knowing your new teeth will last for many years. As long as you care for them as instructed, your implants could potentially serve you well for up to 25 years. Traditional dentures, on the other hand, need to be replaced more frequently as the shape of your gums and jaw change.
Are you interested in preserving your jaw bone density and health? If so, you should be aware that dental implants are the only tooth replacement option available that can keep your jaw bone from degrading after tooth loss. Each implant post stimulates the bone of the jaw and keeps it strong and healthy.
Contact Us
Ready to find out if you’re a candidate for full arch dental implants? To schedule a consultation with Dr. Richard Stanley, skilled dentist in Sarasota, FL, call The Smile Centre today.